if you are in the nashville area, a blogger, and got some free evening time on wednesday evening. come over to the congress on evangelism for a blogger meet up with bishop robert schnase. amy posted info at the methoblog.
Several of us attending the upcoming Congress
on Evangelism in Nashville are pulling together a blogger meetup
at the supper break time on Wednesday, January 7. We haven't yet set
the location; one factor in that decision is how many people we expect
to have. So, please email me at aforbus(at)umr.org by Friday, Jan. 2 if you plan to attend the meetup. Bishop Robert Schnase will be part of the gathering.
We've decided to meet later, to get around the time crunch of the
supper break. We are going to meet up after worship and go somewhere
that'll let us sit around and talk past 9:00.
bishop schnase is the toast of methodism with his fruitful congregations book & resource. i first ran into him at the umerging event back in 2006 when he sat in as a q&a with bishop scott jones. that was a heated little conversation, but in the following years i believe we all understand each other more. i liked bishop schnazz then & i expect to like him more after hanging out.