Our official All American Pest Halloween Pumpkin
Carved this sucker today. It was quite the task. http://allamericanpestcontrol.com
there are even bugs in Hawaii
As we are taking breaks from PestWorld we see more and more signs that there are apparently bugs in Hawaii. http://allamericanpestcontrol.com
Bringing up the back at the PestWorld 5k
We are up early at PestWorld national conference to walk a 5k to raise money for breast cancer research. As you may see, Erin, myself & the Brooks are bringing up the back.
http://allamericanpestcontrol.comMole Spears!
Ran across four of these mole spears I peoples homes today. Not sure what this is? Imagine sitting in your lawn watching patiently for ground to start bumping up in random lines. That’s a mole, and this is some contraption someone created where, once you’ve located to mole in it’s tunnels you stab into the ground hoping to score a direct hit on the mole. There is an easier, less violent, way to rid your home of moles. We can help, but if you want to stab a mole here’s your spear.