we are back. the wife and i had a great time chilling out and relaxing while being carted around the eastern caribbean. regular life begins tomorrow; some working, posting, picture uploading and who knows what else. until then i’ve updated my project 365.
project365:4 – haircut
before i leave for a week. i give you.. my haircut. it is always a anxiety driven time in the richardson household to see how the mop of hair reacts to a trim. not really the highlight of my day, but i figure a couple of head shots will be fun for the project.
start my project365
i have been inspired by friends who have attempted the project 365 in past years to go for it myself. i will be loading them onto my flickr, with a regular random posting to the blog. this is my first day of the year. follow on my project365 flickr set to see the regular updates.