Zombie Theology & the UMC
Was reading this article on 'zombie theology' on CNN's belief section. I was tickled to see the UMC's ReThink Church campaign advert seated right next to picture.. Could go on about how the theology of zombies is akin to those wandering aimless soul-less people in the world. Anyways, it's ironically funny to me. You decide for yourself.
Dang! This is some first stop
My first stop of the day is quite the drive.
Found You!
Some remodel workers found evidence of termites & sure enough, pull away some of this barrier wrap from under the house to reveal that there was termites in the home. The old school ongoing checks are great but they do not beat the maintaining that is possible with Sentricon. You should ask us about that. As they say, it isn’t If you get termites, it is When you get termites.
http://allamericanpestcontrol.comAll American Pest Control’s 49th B’day & Accelerent
Today is All American Pest Control’s 49th Birthday & we start off the day with an Accelerent group sales training. Lots of cool companies in the room today.