i had some great giggles today watching these videos on 'return to church' (tip from ian at youthblog). it had me thinking of some of the tricks that we are used to get people 'in the door' and that when presented with a disingenuous invitation people run quickly. reminded me of a nice quotable, "what you win them with is what you win them to." i will give this vicar some props, he's not just letting his church become a museum.
i am all a twitter about the news : bud adams gets me air time
so i was rather surprised last night when i get a call from one of my youth. i apparently was on the news.. or rather, my twitter was on the news. yup, christian who does the social media & news coordination for channel two read off one of my twitter postings about the whole bud adams show of guns. not sure what i’m talking about.. well, just watch the story here.
we’re all gonna die : so who is your digital executor
saturday i spent my day at barcamp nashville 2009. barcamp is one of my fav days of the year. that along with podcamp are when i get to really hang with the geeks of nashville’s tech community. one of the sessions i took in was dave delaney’s session titled “we’re all gonne die!”
i like dave’s presentations because they are never quite what i expect them to be and his gift is that he doesn’t try and cover everything in his braintrust. i say that’s a gift. anyways, i recorded his session for your viewing pleasures with my notes & thoughts to follow.
Dave Delaney : We’re All Gonna Die : BarCamp Nashville 2009 from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.
my notes:
- what is going to happen to our content when we die?
- when die what to do with email, paypal, websites, domain names, web hosting fees, facebook, etc.
- facebook will close off profiles to new friends when someone is confirmed as having passed away, but will keep the account live for friends to visit.
- need a “digital executor,” someone who knows all your stuff to keep your digital footprint going
- i see this necessity as much as leaving a ‘digital legacy’ much like the last lecture was from a dad to his children.
- facebook/myspace/blogs become a new place of mourning for a loved one or friend as they pass away. taking the place of the makeshift memorials on roadsides, fences, building walls, etc.
this was an interesting chat with erin after this, exploring the ‘digital executor’ idea. i’d thought of what might happen to all this stuff i do if i were to pass away. erin knows my passwords that i use and could figure out how to get into each account should she feel that need. however, her expression was, if you died i wouldn’t want to mess with that stuff, so it’d be better to have someone to handle that stuff.
so i’m contemplating that.. who would you put in charge as a digital exector? friend, family member? someone you are close to or someone that is close to your wife/family who they are comfortable talking to?
chris brogan & trust agents : stories & philosophy of social media
today i spent my morning (and greater part of the rest of the day) with chris brogan. if you do not know who chris is, my quick description would be that he is the mayor of twitter & one of the most recognized people in the world of social media 'who gets it.' i stumbled across his blog some years ago and have been a constant reader since, many times sharing his postings via google reader or twitter. he's good stuff. so good, i even payed a decent penny to attending this sucker.
anyways, he has a new book out called 'trust agents' and was in nashville as per a promise in a psuedo book tour live web event. a crew of local tech geeks & other business types showed up to hear from the guru for a special 1 hour pre-web conversation with chris & then got to be front and center for the rest of the web event (which was an interesting thing to be a part of).
here is the footage i took from that 1st hour with chris. its on my mini tripod, so the angle is something you might have to get used to, but its doable. with that said, he's tall, but not nearly as gigantic as he looks in video.
Chris Brogan : Trust Agents conversation : Nashville 2009 from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.
you can follow the twitter stream of thoughts and conversation by visiting #cbnash at twitter search. check in next week for some expanded thoughts off some of the footage i have from his live web session.
church in second life : religion and ethics expose
stumbled across this story covering the various church & spiritual experiences found in secondlife. i’ve chronicled here many times my happenings in secondlife. its been a few months since i ‘hung out’ there so it was like seeing an old friend as they visited the anglican cathedral and seeing other creative spaces that make up the imagination of the virtual world.