these are my notes. make a comment if you have a question. i’ve
thrown in my participation thoughts into the mix. download breakout document boshers.pdf. pictures from this pilgrim experience.
bo boshers
home field advantage
Ecclesiastes 3
have you ever had a clear discussion about the season’s or changes in ministry? you need too if you haven’t.
- know your boundaries
- accept reality
- have a plan
establish family values
Luke 10:41-42
- values guide decisions. what values do you want to have? what do you have now?
- values need to be modeled rather than taught. have energy for your family when you get home. value, every time someone comes in the home they are acknowledged. what values do you have in your home? i wish i had put more value about reading God’s word, in our home.
- values help establish security and a safe place for your family. rituals or traditions that bind and connect family & others.
what four values do i want to establish with my family? (i actually put in things we are talking about)
- sustainability
- counter progress movement
- vacation/sabbath
- healthy living
spiritual disciplines
there is a difference between "check-box" living and freedom
- disciplines get you from desires to experience
- avoid the check box living. disciplines are markers that help you train to be more like Christ
- have fun, be creative & make it practical. family nights, prayer walks, memorizing scripture
what spiritual disciplines do you need to implement to help you, your spouse and your family train to be more like Christ? (stuff we’ve tried and are trying)
- compline
- better neighbors
- open theological dialogue
- participation in christian community
ask good questions, and be a good listener : James 1:19
how often do you ask good questions and listen before giving advice?
never, sometimes, all the time?what would help you create an environment of patience and understanding?
create an atmosphere of encouragement : 1 Thessalonians 4:18
- make encouragement a habit – become a good-finder every day
- don’t lose your home field advantage
- how would i evaluate the temperature in my family? cold, medium, hot
- what action steps can i take to increase the encouragement atmosphere in my family?
bo is ending with a pep talk football style. it reminds me of this video.