yesterday i went with my church clergy to hear shane claiborne as part of belmont university’s sermon series. here were some of the fun quotes from that morning out of the office.
- My pastor. It gives me hope to here this message and see all these young people.
- SC. We vote everyday with our lives. Advise everyone. Endorse no one.
- SC. The bible doesn’t say God so loved America but God so loved the world.
- SC. We are supposed to live in ways that don’t compute.
- SC. Im not so sure how we as Christians became so normal.
- SC Song. Come patriots bring your flags. We’re doin a foot washin and will need some rags.
- OpeningPrayer. How could we worship a homeless man on Sunday and step over one on Monday.
i’ve heard shane a few times in the last two years. this presentation was a little different. partly, i believe, he was speaking more to the empire and work for the poor. most of the other times it was more about reframing church. i like his message. it is terrible for me though as someone who is trying to go back and write down notes.
in other fun. we discussed politics & faith, using jesus for president as part of our framework. i’m still chuckling at thomas for saying ‘shane is a better christian than Jesus’.. he had a good point, regardless of the point, the statement just has be cracked up.
Richard Saunders says
Shaine is a rockstar for Jesus!
Richard Saunders says
Shaine is a rockstar for Jesus!