no, its not me. i wish. erin & i actually looked at doing some of the pembrokeshire coast walk when we were there back in '04. this is my aunt and uncle doing the trek. they sent some pictures of the coast walk and it has me missing the uk. not sure when erin & i might make it back. till then i'm living vicariously through the uk contingent of family via our electronic means. their latest correspondence.
Hello everyone, from a very dismal West Wales………..everywhere is just
so soggy!
so soggy!
I thought I'd drop you all a note to keep you up to date with our progress
doing the Pembrokeshire Coastal Walk to raise money for CRY…………… we
are HALF WAY!! ('ish),
doing the Pembrokeshire Coastal Walk to raise money for CRY…………… we
are HALF WAY!! ('ish),
anyone with a map or Google, our last stop point was Martins Haven.
Due to an original typo on the Just Giving website, it did appear that we
had fixed a completion date for sometime last summer, which has caused
some confusion because we never ever had a target date as this is a first for
both of us:(far too dangerous to commit to an end date!!).
had fixed a completion date for sometime last summer, which has caused
some confusion because we never ever had a target date as this is a first for
both of us:(far too dangerous to commit to an end date!!).
So, to recap, we have walked around 90 miles so far, and we will of course
let everyone know as we approach the finish at Amroth. Hopefully, the
going will be easier for the last half, some of the inclines we've negotiated so
far almost called for crampons!!
let everyone know as we approach the finish at Amroth. Hopefully, the
going will be easier for the last half, some of the inclines we've negotiated so
far almost called for crampons!!
However we have thoroughly enjoyed every single day of our walk (especially
when they're over!) and it's made us realise how so priviliged we are to live in
such a glorious part of the country.
when they're over!) and it's made us realise how so priviliged we are to live in
such a glorious part of the country.
I'm enclosing some photos of the trip so far to give you a taster!!
(Any probs opening them, or if you want a full size version (I do own a 1.3
megapixel camera you know!) please get in touch!) To see them
chronilogically, look at them from the bottom up (If you see what I mean!)
(Any probs opening them, or if you want a full size version (I do own a 1.3
megapixel camera you know!) please get in touch!) To see them
chronilogically, look at them from the bottom up (If you see what I mean!)
All our love
george and glen