Reflections on Gardening from Gavin Richardson on Vimeo.
so its been a long summer & as seems par for the summers my yard falls in disarray at some point. this summer, at this point, it was our flower gardens which were overrun with weeds and i didn’t tend to them. much like my own soul (and i’d guess others as well) things that were not bearing of any beauty or worth creep their way into my life and overrun that which i want for myself.
tending to the yard, in my eyes, feels like it has a lot to do about my care for being a neighbor. its not that i want to have some envy of the neighborhood, quite the opposite, but i my yard might be the conversation i have with someone as they walk/drive by.. (not to mention i have my best conversations when i’m actually outside doing work on the yard) .. and i’d like for those to be positive experiences.
so its a deep breath day & hard work day to clean house (or in this case garden) and find ones self at a place of peace where you can begin to move forward. this is me, reflecting on a little gardening.