i have mentioned before that i am a fan of south park. i find their social commentary (which is generally hidden around the shock stuff they throw at you) to be spot on. this weeks episode took on the economy with some brilliant biblical narrative. from preaching in the temple, king herod, roman authority, & Jesus forgiving debts. its rather brilliant.
Blake Huggins says
i watched that episode last night. brilliant!
Blake Huggins says
i watched that episode last night. brilliant!
John says
Eh, I wasn’t as impressed. The Kyle as Jesus thing was forced, and didn’t really make sense for the theme of the financial crisis.
John says
Eh, I wasn’t as impressed. The Kyle as Jesus thing was forced, and didn’t really make sense for the theme of the financial crisis.
Gavin Richardson says
fair enough john. my fan’atic looks past some of that. i do however think it fit that people are looking for a savior to this whole thing (with the obama slam at the end you see that). the parts about the temple/town square i think fit well, in a satire form. &:~)
Gavin Richardson says
fair enough john. my fan’atic looks past some of that. i do however think it fit that people are looking for a savior to this whole thing (with the obama slam at the end you see that). the parts about the temple/town square i think fit well, in a satire form. &:~)