i want to welcome you folks who find this little corner blog in the interwebs via the umc.org website. i was somewhat dumbfounded when i saw my face on the frontpage of my tribes denominational website. you see, when a more mainstream/mass media interface acknowledges us fringe blogger types it gives us some semblance that we are legitimate. like an internet pat on the back.. or a digital trophy..
well, for newbies here (i guess there could be many). i've been part of the methoblogosphere for, well, since the beginning. this blog has been somewhat dormant in '09 so most of the readership are hiding away in rss feeds. so if you find the post navigating away from the post you found your way here with, you'll notice my stuff lately is kinda campy, satirical in nature. that in part because over the last five years or so i ran out of stuff to say.. it feels that way anyhow. but within these links and many connected through the methoblog you will find a lot of commentary challenging & commenting on the state of our church we live our faith within. i encourage you to check that stuff out.